Travel is the habitual movement of individuals between different remote geographical locations. Travel can be performed by foot, car, plane, train, bus, boat, horse, bicycle, plane, truck or any other means and is one way to travel or round-trip traveling. Traveling by public means like trains, buses and airplanes can cause problems if there are delays, lost luggage or delayed baggage handling, etc. A traveler must consider how to travel safely and should also be equipped for the unexpected like delays in transportation or weather and threats from wildlife or insects, such as snakes. There are risks to wildlife when traveling by road or by any other mode of transport.
Journey is the act of going from A to B, where there is a final consonant or destination. Traveling by public means can include a journey from A to B as a part of a shopping excursion, from home to work or business, from church to hospital, etc. The traveler has to consider and take into account factors which may affect travel safety and security, such as delays in transportation, threats from wildlife and insects, delays in getting baggage through security and the like. It is advisable to research about the area in which the travel is expected to take place, the modes of transport to use and possible concerns which may affect travel such as possible crimes or threat from some area which may disrupt the journey.
There are three primary elements of travel safety and security which are physical security, psychological safety and moral security. Physical security of a person includes body protection, personal protection and information protection, and physical security equipment like clothing and footwear. Psychological security includes the ability to avoid or coping with stress while traveling, the ability to make productive decisions under stressful conditions, understanding the culture and local customs, etc. Moral security includes moral aspects such as right conduct, acceptance and encouragement by the public and family and friends. One has to understand the meaning of the terms associated with each of these three areas while traveling to ensure protection of one’s safety and security.