The Nourishment Of The Body
Food is any material consumed to give nutrition to an organism. Food is generally of animal, plant or bacterial origin, and comprises necessary nutrients, including protein, vitamins, carbohydrates, sugars, or other nutrients required for the growth and maintenance of an organism. Nearly all living organisms are nourished by food. The food eaten by man contains a group of substances known as macronutrients, which are important in the processes of absorption, production and distribution of energy to form the basic units of the body, as tissues, organs, muscles, bones or brain matter.
The dietary needs of humans are not known, although most of the food consumed is plant based. Plants usually constitute about 80% of the diet. Animal food consists of meat, fish, milk, eggs, and poultry. Meat is best eaten in combination with vegetables and is rarely eaten by itself. Milk is the best source of micronutrients and other dietary proteins, while eggs contain good sources of calcium and other micronutrients.
Food that consists mainly of carbohydrate, protein and fat provides the energy to help in the functioning of the body. A well-balanced diet should contain a variety of foods so that it can fulfill the energy needs of the human body. Most people have a preference for certain kinds of food over others, depending on their culture and diet. Foods rich in fat and carbohydrates are more easily digested than the less nutrient rich foods, and therefore, they are more easily used as sources of nutrients.