The game of poker has become an international phenomenon and is played socially for pennies, matchsticks or professionally for thousands of dollars. It has a lot of luck involved but it also requires a high level of skill and can be beaten by a good understanding of probabilities, psychology and game theory. There are hundreds of variations of the game but there are a few rules that are common to all.
One player, designated by the rules of the specific poker variant being played, has the privilege and obligation to make the first bet. Players then put chips into the pot in a series of betting intervals that are determined by the specific rules of the game.
When it is your turn to bet you can either call or raise. If you call then you must place the same number of chips as the player before you in the pot. If you raise then you must put in a higher amount than the previous player and any other players who have raised.
If you have a strong hand then you will want to stay in the hand and try to win the pot. However, if your hand is not strong then it may be better to fold. If you decide to fold then you must leave the table. You can return to the game at a later time and rejoin the same hand. It is fine to sit out a few hands for a bathroom break, drink or snack but you should never sit out too many hands in a row as it will disrupt the flow of the game.