News Paper Online

Newspaper is a daily newspaper published in almost every part of the world and especially in the English speaking countries. The name news paper is also related to the news broadcasts and programs that are done by the newspapers. In this paper, share the different possible short form, acronym, full form and other possible slang term for the news you read in this newspaper. The full form of newspaper is news that can be read on television or heard through radios. The short form of newspaper can be news that you have read in your morning newspaper or magazines.

news paper

During the October 2011, the first issue of the newspaper was published with the subject line; World in Your Hand. The issue contained information about the challenges the world is going to face in the next few days. It was reported that according to the predictions, the world will experience four more days of drought. Furthermore, there were reports of floods in Egypt and Australia.

The other major feature of the newscasts of the newspaper was the four natural disasters that hit the Middle East in the past two weeks. These four disasters were Hurricane Irene, Tropical Storm and Super cyclone. There were reports about the death toll in these natural disasters, however the death toll is still unknown to many.